2nd Transnational Project Meeting

One year after the start of the project we finally meet almost all of us in presence. Thanks to the splendid hospitality of University of Cantabria, we meet in Santander (Spain) on 3-4 May 2022 for a two-days full immersion in HERMES.

During the first day HERMES Team presents the state of the art of the project fake hublot super b to the Scientific Committee and decides future directions and timing for the next activities. On the second day the Team reflects on the project implementation in details of each intellectual output and brainstorms about some key-points of the sustainability plan. We have many plans for the future and also a Mini Cup Nardo Big Color Pods Vape few surprises, stay tuned!

HERMES 2nd partners meeting agenda

For more photos: https://dalia-bo.cnr.it/dataset/hermes-transmeeting