FAIR management of research data (Italy)

The Horizon Europe and other funding programmes require a Data Management Plan of the data that will be produced or used within a research project. This document represents an added and discriminating value for the evaluation of the submitted project and subsequently in the ex-post evaluation.

Do you understand the concept of data in research? Do you know what it means to manage data in an Open and FAIR way? Do you know the difference between the two?
Are you interested in knowing the tools for writing a Data Management Plan? Do you know where you can deposit and preserve your data in order to meet the requirements of the funding body?

Paola Masuzzo, independent researcher, Open Science activist and Open Data expert, answers these and any other questions about Open and FAIR data.

Tuesday 28 February, 10 a.m. at the Dario Nobili Library of the CNR in Bologna, via Gobetti 101, Italy.

See some photos here!