Local Conference: New Methods in International Sourcing (Turkey)

In the framework of the 59th Library Week in Turkey, MEF University Library organizes the conference “New Methods in International Sourcing”.

Tuesday, March 28th from 14 to 17

Program of the conference

“Resource Sharing Librarians Speak” Session Moderator
Bahadır Barut | Sabancı University

Mert Kaya | Özyeğin University
Serpil Özgen Koca | Bahcesehir University
Beyza Yildirim | MEF University

“A New International Resource Sharing Tool: TALARIA” Session Moderator
Filiz Ekingen Flores Mamondi | Boğaziçi University

Rabih Kahleh (University of Balamand), Debora Mazza (CNR), Alessandro Tugnoli (CNR) | TALARIA Software Demo
Silvana Mangiaracina (CNR) | TALARIA, HERMES Project and Beyond

During the event Resource Sharing librarians will share their experiences, motivations and future expectations and answer questions. Moreover, TALARIA, an open source and completely free platform developed within the scope of the HERMES project to be used in international resource sharing, will be promoted.

Event Address
MEF University C Block / C001 Conference Hall

For more information about the full program of the Library Week: http://kutuphanehaftasi.istanbulkutuphaneci.org/59/

For other resources: https://dalia-bo.cnr.it/dataset/hermes-e3